
Dedicated Addresses is a crucial feature on Blockradar that enables you to create unique addresses for your customers. These addresses allow your customers to deposit stablecoins into your fintech app seamlessly.

When you create a dedicated address for a customer, they can use that single address to deposit stablecoins across multiple EVM-compatible blockchains.

For example, if you have Ethereum, Binance Smart Chain, Polygon, and Base master wallets created, each address you generate through any of these master wallets can be used to receive stablecoins on any of the supported blockchains. This ensures that you don’t have to worry about your customer sending stablecoins to the wrong blockchain.

Additionally, when stablecoins are deposited into a particular address, the assets are automatically moved to the chain’s master wallet address.

Aside from Tron, addresses generated from one wallet can be used to deposit stablecoins across other blockchains that have the blockchain parameter isEvmCompatible: true.

Create a Dedicated Address

To create a dedicated address for a customer, send a POST request to our Create Dedicated Address API.

curl --request POST \
  --url{walletId}/addresses \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --header 'x-api-key: <api-key>' \
  --data '{
 "disableAutoSweep": "OPTIONAL_BOOLEAN",
  "enableGaslessWithdraw": "OPTIONAL_BOOLEAN",
  "metadata": "OPTIONAL_METADATA",
  "showPrivateKey": "OPTIONAL_BOOLEAN"


  "data": {
    "address": "0xe1037B45b48390285e5067424053fa35c478296b",
    "blockchain": {
      "createdAt": "2024-05-14T11:53:33.095Z",
      "derivationPath": "m/44'/60'/0'/0",
      "id": "85ffc132-3972-4c9e-99a5-5cf0ccb688bf",
      "isActive": true,
      "isEvmCompatible": true,
      "logoUrl": "",
      "name": "ethereum",
      "slug": "ethereum",
      "symbol": "eth",
      "tokenStandard": "ERC20",
      "updatedAt": "2024-06-14T22:32:11.983Z"
    "configurations": {
      "aml": {
        "message": "Address is not sanctioned",
        "provider": "ofac",
        "status": "success"
      "disableAutoSweep": false,
      "enableGaslessWithdraw": false,
      "showPrivateKey": false
    "createdAt": "2024-10-23T11:13:40.446Z",
    "derivationPath": "m/44'/60'/0'/0/87",
    "id": "0a69c48a-6c6f-422c-bd6a-70de3306a3ac",
    "isActive": true,
    "metadata": {
      "user_id": 1
    "name": "Customer 1",
    "network": "testnet",
    "type": "INTERNAL",
    "updatedAt": "2024-10-23T11:13:40.446Z"
  "message": "Address generated successfully",
  "statusCode": 200

Address Whitelisting

This feature allows you to whitelist an external address to be monitored based on the wallet’s requirements.

This means that if you manage your own address generation, you can still use Blockradar to monitor deposits made to that address.

curl --request POST \
  --url{walletId}/addresses/whitelist \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --header 'x-api-key: <api-key>' \
  --data '{
  "address": "string<ADDRESS_TO_WHITELIST>",
  "metadata": "object<OPTIONAL_METADATA>",
  "name": "string<OPTIONAL_ADDRESS_NAME>"


  "data": {
    "address": "0x3375154fa32Cb434B044E73a2582C4D2E6518AE4",
    "blockchain": {
      "createdAt": "2024-05-27T08:31:14.966Z",
      "derivationPath": "m/44'/60'/0'/0",
      "id": "74733889-4ecd-403e-9840-94e87c043f24",
      "isActive": true,
      "isEvmCompatible": true,
      "logoUrl": "",
      "name": "base",
      "slug": "base",
      "symbol": "eth",
      "tokenStandard": null,
      "updatedAt": "2024-10-27T07:52:16.115Z"
    "configurations": {
      "aml": {
        "message": "Address is not sanctioned",
        "provider": "ofac",
        "status": "success"
    "createdAt": "2024-11-11T16:57:19.160Z",
    "derivationPath": null,
    "id": "b87901a2-45c1-4d2d-8ee7-205ef0c4ddf1",
    "isActive": true,
    "metadata": null,
    "name": "External address",
    "network": "testnet",
    "type": "EXTERNAL",
    "updatedAt": "2024-11-11T16:57:19.160Z"
  "message": "Address whitelisted successfully",
  "statusCode": 200


Addresses generated via a testnet master wallet can only receive assets on the testnet.

Here is a list of places where you can get testnet assets to test with:

  • Ethereum - Get test USDC here: Circle
  • Binance Smart Chain - Get test USDT here: Binance
  • Polygon - Get test USDC here: Circle
  • Base - Get test USDC here: Circle
  • Tron - Get test USDT here: Nileex
  • Solana - Get test USDC here: Circle
  • Optimism - Get test USDC here: Circle
  • Arbitrum - Get test USDC here: Circle

Happy hacking! ❤️